Teamspeak autostart and restart

Here I explain how you can start your Teamspeak server automatically with the help of a Systemd service file. So the server stays online even if it crashes.

To do this, create a service file under /lib/systemd/system/teamspeak.service like this

cat > /lib/systemd/system/teamspeak.service

Afterwards simply adapt the Config below and copy it into the terminal, finish with CRTL+D.

Now you can reload systemd and start the server. This is done with:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable teamspeak.service
systemctl start teamspeak.service

To check now if the server is running you execute the following command:

systemctl status teamspeak.service

That’s it and the Teamspeak should now be started and stopped at system boot. Now you can also read my other manual for the automatic Teamspeak update . If you have questions, problems or found an error contact me.